Wednesday 8 February 2012

Pre-snow tidy.

With shed gone, me and my dad had left a big old mess in the garden. I didn't really care, but Hannah gets annoyed about these things. As usual, I put my dad to work while I pretended to busy myself with important stuff and taking the occasional photo.

 We reassembled the incinerator used by the previous occupant for the disposal of human remains, and got our flame on!

 Rotten wood and the remnants of corpse go up a treat!

 From what I can make out, it was totally legal, innit. (5th bullet-point down - WE considered it essential, and no one complained, so technically it wasn't a nuisance - take that local government!).
Our neighbours must love us. It was too cold for people to have their washing out, so we didn't stink out all their clothes though. I did leave the bedroom window open, so the curtains and all our clothes are still a bit bonfirey. That'll learn me.

 Apparently, there's a patio underneath the weeds and rubbish!

 Bonfire, still.

 This is where barbecues will happen. And maybe Pimms drinking in Summer. It's also where I'll probably lounge to get my Vitamin Ds.

 Here, you can see that the sun is setting and there are some pleasant shadow/light motifs.

 Swept the path a bit.

 This is our house.

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